Bolis Pupul

  • Date: Tue 5th November 2024
  • Time: 19:00 - 23:00
  • On Sale: Tickets Open
  • Price: £14.5



Live at Oslo, Hackney

Hot on the heels of a whirlwind year touring the globe and releasing the acclaimed collaboration with Charlotte Adigéry, ‘Topical Dancer’, dance music’s suavest producer-singer-songwriter Bolis Pupul has today announced his debut album Letter To Yu, out 8th March. The LP was made with Soulwax and will be released on their label DEEWEE.

Letter To Yu is a love letter to Bolis’ late mother who passed away in 2008 in a traffic accident. Born to a Belgian father and Chinese mother, growing up in Gent, Bolis had not negated his Chinese roots exactly – his mother was born in Hong Kong – but he certainly hadn’t embraced them. However, in the wake of his mother’s passing, he began coming to terms with his heritage.

Tickets are on sale Thursday 30th May from Alt Tickets. 16+ (under 18s to be accompanied by an adult)

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